Tuesday, April 27, 2010


oh goodness..
i seem to lose track of this thing.. and then I get in moods of writing.. and I realize it has been 9 months since I was last on here.
And I was talking about a new job.. ha! And now I am closing out my first year of this new job. Which is crazy! I can't believe I have already had 9 months with these freshman women. It is kinda bittersweet. I am excited for new residents.. but.. things were just starting to get comfortable. Relationships were just starting to get easy. But, on the other hand... I look forward to starting fresh again. Making changes from the things that I have learned from in this past year. Which has been a lot. And then getting to start intiating with a whole new set of 190 college women. Wow.
It's funny. People ask me if I like my job often. And I think they lying when I honestly answer. Absolutely. I wake up every morning excited to do my job. And for this I am very thankful. I have no doubt the Lord has equipped me for such a job as this.
The past year has also brought change in my spiritual walk. So interesting on how the gospel has taken on a new form for me. I have realized my need for the gospel daily. And I have been sharpened (iron sharpening iron) by those around me. Which is hard and it hurts.. but I am thankful for it.
I am excited to get back on here more.. maybe the summer will allow me a little more time to blog.